I have finally completed my middle grades book.
I've revised it a billion times (and probably will do more revisions if I'm honest with myself). But just having the initial draft done gives me a sense of completion and permission to begin thinking of submissions.
I decided to read through some of the many writing articles I've saved to my computer [ you know, the ones we save to read when we either have nothing else to do or are trying to procrastinate from something!] and I found one that seems appropriate to now. It's from The Institute for Children's Literature. If you aren't familiar with them and don't already receive their FREE eNesletter, go right now to the web site, find 'free eNews' on the left sidebar and sign up! They have wonderful tips, encouraging articles, and many ongoing features.
One of those ongoing features is Kristi Holl's blog based on her book called Writers' First Aid
In the archives (May 10, 2010 to be exact) she talks about the Serenity Prayer For Writers. I think she brings up important points to remember so.....
here it is for you!
Remember the Serenity Prayer? It goes like this:
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
How about reducing frustration with your writing life by applying that wisdom to your career? Here are some
things to accept that you cannot change:
- How long it takes to get a response from editors and agents
- Rejections
- Editors moving before buying the manuscript they asked to see
- Size of print runs
- Reviews
- Publisher’s budget for your book’s publicity and promotion
Trying to change anything on the above list is a sure-fire route to frustration and wanting to quit.
However, do you have
courage to change the things you can? Here are some:
- Giving yourself positive feedback and affirmations
- Reading positive books on the writing life
- Studying writing craft books
- Writing more hours
- Reading more books in the genre where you want to publish
- Attending local, state, regional and national conferences you can afford
- Joining or forming a critique group
If you’re battling frustration and discouragement with the writing life, chances are good that you’re trying to control something beyond your control. It will make you crazy! The fastest way back to sanity is to concentrate on what you
can control about the writing life.
Good things to remember, while working on your writing or your life!