
I'm not new to talking, sharing ideas, or stating my opinion, especially stating my opinion! After all, I taught elementary school for 30 years! However, my audience has typically been smaller,just family, the classroom, or just talking to myself!

My blog has two goals: be an outlet for sharing thoughts on writing children's books and the path to publication (got my fingers crossed that I'll get there) and a place to chronicle my journey of losing my sight. Sometimes I imagine these two paths will overlap .

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Write From the Soul 1

Okay, so I'm a day late for my Tuesday post!
Do you ever have those days when you have several story ideas percolating at once but you don't know which one to work on first? If you try to work a little bit on each one, there's no cohesiveness and you, well I, feel scattered. But choosing just one to work on feels like picking one of your children to get all  the attention. So unfair! As a result, none of the stories get your full attention. What a waste :-) So there you have the reason I missed my Tuesday post date; all the "story children" were vying for my attention, I was trying to accommodate them all, and then it was Wednesday! I think I'll just throw their working titles in a hat and pick one. Anyone have a better idea?


  1. Hi Gail!

    Congrats on your new blog and good luck on your journey(s)!

  2. Alas, no better ideas for you. I have this problem all the time. Unfortunately I have to just pick one and go: "Sorry, what? I can't hear you. No - sorry, I have no idea what you're saying, how about we talk about it another time?" to my other ideas.
